PAL Coating Remover
SPC-202N coating remover is a cost effective and environmentally advantaged means for removal of paints, coatings and residues.
PAL Coating Remover SPC-202 is a water based coating remover which is environmentally friendlier and safer to use than traditional chemical strippers. It is supplied in gel form for brushing or rolling. It reduces health and safety risk as it is non-flammable and contains no toxic chlorinated or caustic materials
SPC-202N coating remover is a cost effective and environmentally advantaged means for removal of paints, coatings and residues.
Effectively removes: • adhesives • glues • polyurethanes • alkyds • graffiti • runway rubber • enamels • latex • powder coatings • epoxies • oil based paints • inorganic zinc
• Water based
• Neutral pH
• Low odor
• Biodegradable, Environmental friendly and Non flammable
• Low VOC's
• Clings to vertical and inverted surfaces
• Non-carcinogenic
• Contains NO hydrogen peroxide, NO alkaline and acid activators
• Contains no methylene chloride, formic or other acids, chlorinated/halogenated solvents, phenols, chromates, ammonia, caustics or NMP
• Less overall product consumption compared to methylene chloride based strippers
• Low evaporation rate and will remain moist for extended periods
• Extremely effective in removal of epoxies off concrete, polyurethane off brick, concrete and wood, multiple layers off concrete and steel structures, powder coatings off from alloy wheels, alkyd, graffiti, latex and oil based coatings off concrete and wood